You don't have to have a sweetheart to join us tonight! After all, our group was named to show that solo dancers -- Spares -- were as welcome as Pairs. There's room for everyone.! In fact, several of our couples often split up during the dance to make sure solo dancers get into squares.
Please come join us! Ben Stokes will be our Mainstream caller and Doug Brodeen will cue rounds between tips.
We want to try out a new dance time slot: second Sundays of the month. This March 9, we'll be holding our first Sunday dance. We'lll run from 3:30-5 pm and there will be a Mainstream workshop for an hour before then. If you're a new Mainstream dancer or want more floor time and can angel or you want to work on that one call that always puzzles you, you'll have the opportunity to polish your steps.
Our usual location (Bloomington Center for the Arts), Sunday, March 9, 2:30 (workshop starts) to 5:00 pm. Larry Fruetel will call. Please note: no rounds at this dance!
Watch this page for news of more Sunday dances!
Spares and Pairs dances Mainstream and offers round dances on the second Thursday of each month, from 7 pm to 9 pm. Our Dance Listings page tells you about our upcoming dances.
We are at the Bloomington Center for the Arts, 1800 West Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington, Minnesota. Parking on east side of the building is closer to the room in which we dance.
Singles, couples, and families are welcome. Come visit us!
For more information, call Darwin at 480-318-1793.
Spares and Pairs was formed 60 years ago to give solo dancers a place they knew they could dance among couples and we do that even today Spares and Pairs is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a proud member of Square Dance Minnesota, Inc. Our mission is to promote and teach square dancing in all its heritage forms.